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News & Events Archives - Page 8 of 11 - Montana League of Cities and TownsMontana League of Cities and Towns
When you heard about the over 300 programs in the infrastructure bill, did you feel like your city might need a guidebook? Good news – the White House infrastructure team saw that need too, and recently released the first edition of its Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Guidebook to help state, local, Tribal…
Targeted Brownfields Assessment grants – While the new infrastructure bill will provide additional funding opportunities for brownfields work this spring, Targeted Brownfields Assessment grants are currently available through our Region 8 EPA office. If you currently have redevelopment plans for a contaminated property that you own or can obtain ownership…
A temporary emergency Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program1 (LIHWAP) is being developed to provide low-income households assistance in paying their water and wastewater bills. Funds will be sent directly to Public Water System (PWS) operators to be credited to income-eligible household accounts to reduce arrearages, prevent shutoffs and reduce monthly…
Facing criticism from small cities that feared losing status and funding, the federal government said Tuesday that it won’t raise the population threshold for what qualifies as a metro area. The Office of Budget and Management said it will keep the minimum population needed in a community’s core city at…