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Blog Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Montana League of Cities and TownsMontana League of Cities and Towns
Recently, Shalyee Regar from Montana Public Radio interviewed the League’s Deputy Director, Thomas Jodoin, to answer – What’s the best form of local government? For the whole story, listen to the latest episode of MTPR’s, The Big Why.
UPCOMING DEADLINES Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Funding The SS4A program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent deaths and serious injuries on roadways. There are multiple application deadlines depending on the grant type – Planning and Demonstration Grants or Implementation Grants. Deadlines now range…
Join us for, GO LOCAL, the League’s 2023 Annual Conference taking place in Helena, October 11th through the 13th. Tickets are just $199 per person for three days of invaluable networking, energizing speakers, dynamic breakout sessions, and some good ol’ local fun! REGISTER NOW View the Agenda | Learn about…
Guest Blog by Matt Lehrman, Managing Director of Social Prosperity Partners Civility in local government is similar to the guardrails on a highway — providing structure by which municipal leaders and the public can navigate around each other. Securing the travel lanes provides mutual safety for people heading in all…